National Chairman update June 2020
Fellow Nomads,
I greet you from a cold and wet Port Elizabeth after 64 days of lock down. I hope that you and your family’s are all in good health and that you are staying safe. The Covid-19 virus has impacted us all in some way and we look forward to the return to normality sometime soon.
Your National Executive Committee have been hard at work to try and pave the way forward with as little negative impact as possible. We are currently finalising the changes that are required to our constitution, to allow us to operate under these trying times. We are not alone as our neighbours in Africa and abroad have all made changes to their calendars and playing conditions. A brief summary as follows:
- Australia – have postponed their 2020 National Tournament until 2021 and their Executive committee have agreed to extend their terms by a year; monthly games have been postponed until 30 June,
- Zimbabwe – have postponed their National Tournament twice to 2021 and their Executive committee have agreed to extend their terms by a year;
- Botswana – have cancelled their 2020 National Tournament; their committee will continue in 2021; Monthly games to resume next month with no prize giving ceremonies and with strict adherence to golf club and government Covid-19 protocol.
- Swaziland – have postponed their National Tournament until October 2021
- Zambia – have postponed their first ever National Tournament until July 2021 at the same venue, The Bonanza Club; were set to resume monthly games from May 2020 with no prize giving and social distancing rules apply; their committee are expected to remain until their Gold Cup in February 2022.
The following decisions have been made by your NEC in conjunction with the Captains of the 12 provinces:
- All monthly games are postponed until government allows us back onto the golf course. Once this is possible, each province will attempt to make up any games missed.
- The Gary Player competition for 2020 is cancelled.
- Gold Cup has been postponed to December 2021. All games played from December 2019 will qualify for inclusion in the 2021 Gold Cup for the various trophies.
- All away tournaments for 2020, e.g. Seaboard, Highveld Trophy, etc. are cancelled. This is to grant Nomads a respite from expensive away tours in these difficult financial times.
- Andrew Mentis Golf Days for 2020 are postponed until 2021. Incoming Vice-Captains may however continue with related fundraising activities for their beneficiaries during 2020 should they be able to.
- NEC is considering waiving or reducing the capitation costs for next year to assist members financially and to encourage Nomads to remain on as members.
- With reference to section 7.3.3 of the constitution, the players commitment to playing 6 monthly games in the playing year, will be waived.
- 2020 Annual General Meetings must be scheduled and completed by 31 July, a process has been put in place to host “virtual” AGM’s.
- Incoming Captains, Vice-Captains and Junior Vice-Captains take office on 01 August 2020 and remain in office until their club’s AGM in March/April 2022.
- The National Executive Committee elected at East London GC in March will remain in place until the National Council Meeting in March 2022.
Several of these measures are aimed at enabling members to get their lives back in order. The impact of the lockdown and regulations has affected us all, and it is important that clubs keep their members connected. It is known that some Nomads have been adversely compromised during lock down and we request that you reach out to them where needed. We accept also, that once we return to golf it will take a while for our fields to return to their previous levels.
Several of the Clubs have been working extremely hard during the lock down and I commend their iniatives in supporting several charities and Golf Clubs who are in need during this period. This shows true Nomadic spirit and leadership, well done to all of you. Once we do get back onto the courses, I urge you all to support your Golf Club wherever you can, they have had a long period of inactivity and without them remaining afloat, we as Nomads will not have a course to play on. Our National Sponsors have remained loyal to Nomads during the lock down, please show them the support that they deserve where you can.
Robbie Frank and his committee are hard at work in finalising the 2021 Sunbird National tournament at the Champagne Sports Resort in March 2021. This tournament is scheduled to go ahead as planned and entry forms will be sent out shortly, with several options available. We do understand that the future of this tournament is dependent on the lock down and associated restrictions being lifted but have every confidence that we will be able to proceed.
I wish you all good health and a positive decision by government regarding returning to playing golf. May you too survive this pandemic and emerge stronger.
Yours in Nomads
Stuart McIver
National Chairman: Nomads South Africa